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CTRM Customization and Extension Migration for

Diversified Energy Organization

Value Creed Solves Extension Migration Challenges

The client, a regional company providing upstream and midstream oil and natural gas services contacted Value Creed when it encountered difficulties during its platform upgrade. Specifically, the company needed to overcome quality control and implementation issues. We delivered critical support for the client’s in-progress CTRM upgrade. 


Mitigation Assurance from Day 1

Error-free Resolutions

No Protracted Training

Success After Vendor Failure

Responsive, Priority Service

Turning a Critical Concern Into a CTRM Success

The Challenge: Insufficient in-house resources and vendor support

Deep into its CTRM platform upgrade, the client saw one of its key people leave the organization, placing undue burden on its remaining IT technician. When the vendor failed to provide the support our needed to complete its PO installation. 

The Need: Migration Assurance for Custom Event scripts and Extensions

The company also needed help migrating several external class events and extensions that it had developed and written in-house to the new platform. The company felt the vendor’s quality assurance measures were not being implemented and resolved quickly enough. Value Creed stepped in to bring the upgrade online, creating multiple workarounds with the insight of CTRM/ETRM functional and technical expertise to keep the company’s traders and analysts productive.

The Value Creed Solution: Event Remediation and Prompt Response

In just two weeks, Value Creed solved their class event remediation and other critical issues. As will all our implementation projects, we hit the ground running, immediately assessed the situation, and picked up where the original provider had fallen short. As usual, our experts led, advised, and guided our partner’s internal team, extending their capabilities and ensuring seamless customer onboarding.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Run Smart™ Expertise on Demand

An experienced team and sophisticated technology combine to deliver feature-rich functionality and operability. You pay only for the services you need when you need them.

CTRM/ETRM Upgrades & Enhancements

Customer-first service to bring your upgrades online quickly and seamlessly, with minimal disruption of your workflow. Dedication that outperforms vendors.

Key Takeaways

360-degree Service; 1 Purpose; 0 Conflicts of Interest

This case highlights a common scenario. Value Creed more and more frequently is seeing projects initiated by vendors or purported “partners” who lack the resources and knowhow to complete them the the customers’ satisfaction. Value Creed mobilizes its resources to clean up the mess and cut through the snags. If you’re experiencing similar hang-ups or want to ensure they don’t delay your software upgrade, contact Value Creed today.

End-to-End ETRM/CTRM Vendor and Implementation Assistance

Value Creed has developed a comprehensive process for helping clients select ETRM/CTRM software vendors, holding them accountable, overseeing installation, integration, and testing, and optimizing the run-operation and reporting operational phases. These resources will help you streamline your next software upgrade and understand the many ways Value Creed can help:

Upgrade Your Software without Missing a Beat

Value Creed’s process eliminates the training period

We involve users from the beginning so they understand the software’s capabilities and interfaces. This compresses the learning curve and all but eliminates the weeks-long  training period that is “par for the course” for vendors and our competitors.

We can do the same for you! Contact us for a demonstration