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5 Reasons for Choosing Run Smart™ CTRM Managed Services

#3: Cloud & Database Monitoring & Maintenance

In the former post in our series, 5 Reasons for Choose Run Smart CTRM Managed Services, we provided you with a perspective on how Run Smart CTRM/ETRM platform managed services enable application managers to be more proactive in resolving reporting and processing errors in advance of your daily start.

In this post, we write about how with our Cloud & Database Managed services the CTRM platforms perform at 99% uptime, delivering reliability for your team and lower overall cost of ownership over the long-term. 

What happens when your database or cloud environment is not configured or set up properly?

Your hosting environment is key to system performance, as well as your ability to recover, upgrade, test & deploy patches and enhancements, and secure your data. 

How Run Smart™ Managed Services maintains your Database or Cloud implementation

Whether your CTRM is hosted on-prem or in the cloud, our Managed Services team ensures availability and fine tunes your environment to improve performance.

Take Your CTRM Platform to the Cloud with Value Creed




Want The Full Story? 

This is post #3 in our series, 5 Reasons for Choosing Run Smart™ CTRM Managed Services.  Learn more about key reasons for moving to Value Creed’s Run Smart Managed services with theses former posts:

Value Creed's Run Smart Managed Services Start at $3,500 a month

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