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LearnSmart FAST Leadership Program


Value Creed’s Rapid CTRM Skills and Career Development Training

Early- to mid-career professionals can begin their ascent into supervisory, and executive roles with Value Creed through our LearnSmart FAST Leadership program. It is differentiated by the CTRM-specific educational technology curriculum comprised of four dimensions ensuring success and career advancement at an unprecedented pace.

Four Dimensions of the LearnSmart FAST Leadership Program

FAST challenges team members to expand and apply their technical and functional engineering skills to client challenges. The year-long course is an onramp to the superhighway of CTRM leadership and expertise.


knowledge acquisition in high-demand commodity trading and risk management (CTRM) software platforms like Allegro, RightAngle, iRely, Enuit, W Energy, and more


learning led by tenured mentors where team members are taught high-value soft skills, critical analysis, and proven frameworks on live software instances, rather than scenarios


mentorship and training fast-tracks future executives’ career development and prepares them for more challenging work and responsibilities much sooner than they could expect in a less progressive firm.


work ensures every program participant achieves success in a constructive and collaborative environment.

Learn from the Experts;
Apply What You Learn

Led by Value Creed executives and client leaders from energy giants including IT directors, energy sector leaders, and entrepreneurs from the industry, FAST pairs dedicated mentors with team members with less than 4 years of experience to deliver hands-on learning that expedites knowledge acquisition and application.

Learn FAST with the First CTRM Leadership Credentialing Program

Value Creed’s FAST mentor-led career development program is the only CTRM-centric plan designed specifically to promote quick high-value skill acquisition in the fiercely competitive energy IT sector. Those chosen for this exclusive career-development program will be encouraged to apply creative concepts and unorthodox thinking to develop CTRM centric solutions to business problems and data workflows to manage real-life client functionality needs. They will leverage the lessons learned not only from Value Creed’s seasoned experts but also from our valued clients and other sources custom-curated for rising professionals by leading management consulting firm and ed-tech institutes.

How LearnSmart FAST Leadership Works

Meeting one-on-one in the India office, new team members are paired with CTRM experts, executives and account relationship managers over a series of 20 to 25 one-hour mentoring sessions during the training year. The selected colleagues in each FAST cohort work shoulder-to-shoulder with experienced Value Creed mentors to learn the company’s proven techniques, collaborative process, customer service standards, and best practices for building innovative CTRM data platform integrations for executive leadership development.

LearnSmart FAST Is Rigorous

Team members who apply (applications are accepted in April) should be prepared for a rigorous introduction to critical CTRM domain expertise including:

Superhero Rewards Await

By taking advantage of the program, team members expand their opportunities within Value Creed and in the CTRM industry:

Team members who complete the course will receive an NFT “diploma” certifying their readiness to apply their advanced technical and functional abilities, analytical thinking skills, and all-around professional and personal development to critical projects and client services.

Join Value Creed and Start Making a Difference

Value Creed invites bright, ambitious current team members to apply to be part of the next FAST class and encourages recent and soon-to-be college graduates to explore the career opportunities, training options, and vibrant culture Value Creed has to offer. Our recent hires are eligible for our early-stage mentorship program that builds a foundation for future FAST participation. Check out our careers page and see how you can jumpstart your career and start working on viable solutions to the world’s energy challenges.

Ready To Take Your Career To The Next Level?

Visit and bookmark Value Creed’s careers page