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CTRM DevOps: Continuously Driving Value by Aligning Development and Operations


How Poor Development/Operations Interactions Harm Performance

Traditional CTRM process development and IT operations teams work together only tangentially. This creates roadblocks that stall productivity and detours on the path to testing, improvement, and implementation.

4 Common Problems Resulting from Suboptimal DevOps


Conflicting Objectives

Development and Operations have different mandates and reward structures.


Siloed Expertise and Resources

Teams have no incentive to share best practices or create synergies.


Iterative Processes

Go-to-market strategies are sequential, rather than continuous.


Slow Adaptation

Testing and remediation take too long and insights take too long to integrate.

A purposeful DevOps optimization streamlines the software concept-to-market trajectory by removing these bottlenecks where the operations, development, and quality assurance phases meet.


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No Problem

Learn about Value Creed’s specialized CTRM DevOps services so you’re positioned for future advancements and upgrades.

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How DevOps Works for CTRM Systems

Value Creed’s DevOps services speed your time to market, make traders and strategists more effective, and reduce the cost per trade by addressing four touchpoints.  


Value Creed helps you establish an organizational structure that encourages trial-and-error, collaboration, frequent, fast failure, rigorous testing, and continuous improvement is essential to increasing success rates and time to implementation


We connect your CTRM platform to the DevOps portal and equip your internal IT team with the tools they need to minimize disruptions while making processes more reliable, alterable, flexible, scalable, and implementable


We map the paths that allow automated testing, deployment, and integration of build, deploy, and test tools and code updates into production. This shortens cycle times and brings new, improved services and bundles to market faster.


Value Creed’s cloud expertise enables immutable infrastructure that puts servers at your service, enabling repeatable provisioning and rapid, reliable deployment. Our managed services proactively monitor and maintain applications and respond instantly to performance issues


Understanding the Stages of CTRM DevOps Maturity

Whether you have an existing DevOps process or you seek to start one, it is important to understand where you are today and what is required to mature. The degree to which your organization embraces, the faster you will reach maturity.

The 5 Stages:

The Four Touch Points:


See How Value Creed Delivers

Value Creed’s DevOps team explains in this video how you can use this solution for CI/CD pipelines on Azure. Fill out this form and you will be provided a password to view this video at your convenience.

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Integrating DevOps across CTRM

Value Creed helps organizations manage the cultural shift that perpetually feeds on itself to deliver continuous improvement and proactive identification and creation of desirable product features. We have identified the major sources of this innovation:

Continuous Integration

The immediate integration of code changes from multiple sources into a single software project for building, testing, and validation.

Continuous Delivery

The mission to operationalize new features, iterations, configurations, debugging and other changes into production or use as quickly, safely, and repeatably as possible.

as Code

The standardized management of networks, smart machines,data servers and warehouses, and downstream apps in files that infrastructure software can access, read, and employ automatically.

Monitoring and Logging

The processes and tools to generate visibility into the DevOps pipeline by collecting and documenting metrics that trigger alerts and notifications when standards are not met.

If you’re ready to extend your digital transformation through the DevOps framework, scale across your entire CTRM DevOps workflow, or take the next step on your voyage to a mature DevOps model, contact Value Creed for a demonstration.

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