LearnSmart Seed Program


Smart Innovation with LearnSmart Seed

It’s time to disrupt the industry through innovation and unleash the inner entrepreneur with Value Creed’s LearnSmart Seed. Value Creed fosters sustainable entrepreneurship development and throws in new opportunities where ideas can be generated in an agile and entrepreneurial way. 

We help first-generation entrepreneurs, nurture innovative ideas to commercially viable business propositions, and encourage the commercialization of R&D outputs through our program.

Our Innovation Journey


We welcome teams to research trends and technologies to formulate challenges and create groundbreaking ideas to build new and disruptive product roadmaps.


In order to build the right ecosystem for innovation we enable, support, and facilitate engagement among employees so that we can boost our competitive strength and create sustainable solutions that make a difference.


Teams propose ideas on our ideation platform. The ideas are evaluated and viable concepts rapidly go to testing in real market conditions generating learnings for growing and scaling.

If you look at history, innovation doesn’t come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.

Jump Out of the Box

We believe that the balance between exploitation and exploration is the art of developing radical innovations in-house and we take a holistic approach to building an agile and intrapreneurial culture. Through our program innovators can facilitate the exchange of ideas, nurture innovation and receive access to hands-on intensive business support, access to finance, and expertise till commercialization.

Take the Entrepreneurial Leap

Create a value proposition that will pave the way for the future

Bring in new ideas, skill sets, and technologies

Scale up Faster and Efficiently

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