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5 Reasons for Choosing Run Smart™ CTRM Managed Services

#1 Overcoming Data Integration Breakdowns For Seamless Daily Starts

For most of us, the first thing we want to do is grab a cup of joe when we reach the office after a long commute.  These days, we may have a short walk to the coffee maker, but that doesn’t mean we want to return to our desk with a feeling of trepidation over potentially failed processes like:

Rather, every CTRM platform application management team is expected to keep the system running, while automatically generating reports and performing end-of-day processes flawlessly.  But, some days do not go as planned.  

What Happens Now When End-Of-Day CTRM/ETRM Reporting and Processes Fail To Run Properly

For most CTRM/ETRM application managers, the once civil cup-of-joe turns abruptly to a fevered pace upon a notification that a key process failed. Individual log files and processes are scoured to diagnose the cause of overnight mishaps. This effort consumes IT staff members’ time, and these fail points also impact traders, schedulers, risk professionals, and accounting teams. These Systemic conditions can detrimentally impact the day’s trading profitability – a consequence to avoid.

How Run Smart™ Managed Services Proactively Resolves End-Of-Day Challenges

Every CTRM/ETRM platform is responsible for aggregating prices, tracking positions, and creating reports for decision making. But spending half a day or more searching for the source of failed processes or reporting errors turns high-value resources into low value tasks, misaligning the company’s goals of achieving performance targets.

This fact led to the formation of a new approach. One designed to remedy overnight complications that inevitably lead to next day challenges. Run Smart™ is the nexus of high-value, expert-driven managed services support for CTRM/ETRM platforms. Designed by well-respected industry experts, Priyankar Datta and Raja Kanthadai, Value Creed’s CTRM Run Smart™ Managed Services enable companies to take advantage of monitoring and support delivered in a dual-time zone model with expert-led monitoring 24/7/365.

Choosing a Capable Partner Gives You Back Your Peaceful Cup-Of-Joe

CIOs and IT managers at well-known industry leaders have shown their support for this novel approach to CTRM/ETRM support by adding to the Run & Operate Phases of their CTRM journey.

Transform your harried mornings of log file lookups into straightforward inbox report confirmations showing you critical processes and end-of-day reports ran as expected. And, in the case where there is a glitch, don’t face troubleshooting alone – rather leverage the expertise of our team and the one-on-one personalized account management and troubleshooting led by leading CTRM platform experts with over ten years of experience

It all really comes down to a civil cup of joe. Learn how in just 20 minutes with our team. We’ll show you how you can resolve common run operate challenges before they happen.

Value Creed's Run Smart Managed Services Start at $3,500 a month

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