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Value Creed Streamlines Cross-Border Energy Trading: ETRM and ISO System Integration

Performance Enhancement

A European Power Trading Firm wanted to establish a US business desk. The client used an ETRM system domestically and a homegrown system for their ISO transactions however faced a notable challenge due to the lack of standardization. Users resorted to manual database updates domestically which led to inefficiencies and a heavy reliance on manual ways of data consolidation and system operations. The absence of automation added to these issues, necessitating a comprehensive solution to streamline processes.


$2 Million

Resource Cost Savings

Implementation of up to 7 products


Hours Saved

Implementation Effort Behind Each Product


Time Savings

Daily Operations and Reconciliation

Software Selection

To optimize and enhance operations; we performed a comprehensive software evaluation. We proposed a dual-system approach to have – an ISO Bid to Bill solution for transactions with ISOs and an ETRM system to handle Exchange, Bilateral, and Environmental (Non-ISO) trades. The following features our process for recommending the solution.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Software Selection

Our comprehensive Software Selection process ensures a complete study of the business operations. Workshops help us to understand the key requirements of business operations to design a process map and conduct a gap analysis. With industry-experienced team members, we understand future business needs, playing a vital role in software selection services.

Key Takeaways

We advised upgrading their current ETRM system for managing non-ISO transactions and implementing an ISO Bid to Bill solution for transactions with ISOs. This approach is tailored to provide the client with an efficient trading infrastructure that meets their specific requirements.

Recommended Resources

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