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Enable Real-Time Trading in Endur with Value Creed

Ensure Optimal Energy Portfolio Management

A study conducted by the European Commission estimated that by leveraging real-time data and advanced analytics, the energy industry could achieve energy savings of up to 10%. When managing a diverse portfolio of energy assets, it is essential to have real-time visibility into the performance and market conditions for energy traders and asset managers to monitor their energy positions and make timely decisions, mitigating risk effectively.

Active Position Manager (APM) offers traders and risk managers an interactive and highly customizable position reporting tool, allowing them to track real-time positions with scenario analysis and drill-down capabilities. The recent version of Active Position Manager (APM) offers significant advantages over previous versions, as it provides better filters, pivots, a wider range of result sets, and enhanced robustness, alleviating relying on non-customizable Real-Time Position (RTP) monitoring in Endur.

Let’s dive into this blog to explore how you can enhance your trading decisions by leveraging the essential features of APM and discuss the significance of making customizations to maximize their potential, ultimately ensuring profitable business outcomes.

Enhance Real-time Visibility with the Key Features of Active Postion Manager

In the realm of trading and risk management, having real-time visibility is key. Traders and risk managers need to stay proactive, identifying and addressing any potential issues that may arise in monitoring trades, market data, and risk exposure. This will enable them to make well-informed decisions and optimize their trading performance, ensuring they stay on top of their game.

Let’s understand how you can leverage the following features to empower your trading capabilities :

Customized APM Solutions for Trader-Specific Requirements

With our extensive expertise in Endur, we are well-equipped to assist you in customizing APM according to your specific trader requirements. This ensures a personalized and efficient trading experience tailored to your needs. Recognizing the significance of aligning APM with the unique workflows and decision-making processes of traders, we specialize in customizing APM’s features, dashboards, and analytics to meet our clients’ specific requirements, ultimately maximizing the potential of their businesses. Here are a few examples of the customizations we have successfully implemented for our clients:

Standard results - MTM, Delta, Positions

Pivots and filter criteria for LNG lifecycle

APM Services for Gas and Power

Gas Phys Volume Package

Achieve Efficient APM Optimization with Value Creed

With our tailored customizations, we empower traders to optimize their trading activities by leveraging the full potential of APM. Our focus on personalized solutions drives efficiency, enhances decision-making capabilities, and ultimately delivers a superior trading experience for our clients. As your trusted partner, we enable you to capitalize on the latest innovations and explore untapped opportunities in this domain.

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