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My Journey from Analyst to Project Manager


Sparsha Singh shares the story of her career change and growth at Value Creed

I joined Value Creed way back. Being from IoT domain, I had minimal CTRM domain knowledge. I was intrigued by project management. Upon joining, my mentors supportively trained and assigned me to project management. The smooth transition familiarized me with CTRM industry and its nuances. I got ready to contribute in major project management and end to end execution tasks. The systematic processes followed here helped me achieve desired results quickly. The strong team bonding and a positive and inspiring work culture motivated me to excel in my role. I am able to maintain a good rapport with project stakeholders and it helped me to create my position in the organization.

How Value Creed aided my role change?

Value Creed has no restrictions on the path one takes to develop the skills needed to function in their roles. After my initial training, I embarked on a self-taught trajectory, seeking feedback from my mentors as needed, then utilizing my proficiency to manage a team of 8 members which grew rapidly to 20 members. As a project manager, I also implemented various project management related applications, created numerous documents, and augmented Value Creed practices and policies based on experience gathered working with our team and clients.

Experience Gained

End-to-end management of projects:

  • Developing and maintaining project plans for various projects. Tracking multiple projects and tools, providing regular updates on scope, time, cost, quality, and progress to the program manager.
  • Coordination with operations and project management teams to ensure the development and delivery of products on time and as per expectations. Frequent interaction with the clients for project escalation and completion.
  • Application of project management/ agile models to various tasks to optimize time management and achieve delivery goals. Responsible for system compliance and setting up the process for scrum/ project management.
  • Management of tools and techniques for manual to automatic transition processes and change requests by the client to achieve the required business outcomes.
  • Timely assessment and escalation of risks before they become critical issues. Resolution of project issues to meet productivity, quality, and client goals.

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