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A Day in the Life of RightAngle Managed Services

Alleviate Failures and Maintenance Cost

Failed overnight report generation and sub-optimal trading-day performance cost liquid energy companies money and force them to allocate in-house IT experts to manual problem-solving when they could be performing higher-value tasks.

Often problems arise after implementation of a platform into an energy trading firm’s run/operate phase. Data may be corrupted, users may encounter problems creating the workflow they need. Reports may not run or may be incorrect because of missing price, quantity, or other information.

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Correct, Current Data Drives Optimal Strategy and Decisions

Value Creed’s 3-Point Program

CTRM users need timely answers to several questions to maximize revenues, contain costs, and coordinate tactics: inventory reconciliation, exchange trade documentation, tax rules, infrastructure scaling, report access, and more. Value Creed manages clients’ CTRM platform performance with three critical services:

Overnight Proactive

A dual time zone approach to ensure end-of-day processes complete successfully and overnight reports are ready before the next trading day begins

Trading Day Reactive

Quick response to data and coding issues that arise during business hours, assessment of their criticality, and mobilization of technical and functional experts to resolve the issues

24/7 Cloud

Including regular health checks to ensure guaranteed 99 percent uptime, lower total cost of platform ownership, and reliable operation and performance

RightAngle Is Critical; Keeping It Running Is Challenging

Value Creed’s One-source Solution

Value Creed’s managed service plan alleviates many of the problems plaguing midstream energy companies:

RightAngle expertise is difficult to find and even harder to hold onto. Your competitors are always willing to offer your in-house employees a better offer.

There is no such thing as a minor issue when it comes to RightAngle efficiency and workflow. When something goes wrong, your whole business suffers and you need immediate response.

Internal processes and integration requirements, advanced software, and convoluted vendor relationships make it difficult to optimize and customize RightAngle workflow.

RightAngle is a sophisticated and finely tuned specialized platform. They require infrastructure expansion in order to scale operations, and more functionality means more costly maintenance.

The Value Creed Difference

Leveraged Technology, Expertise, and Customer Service

Value Creed has created a video describing the everyday challenges liquid energy trading companies face with and how our managed services can take away the headaches involved in maintaining their RightAngle reporting and maintenance functions. Watch the video for more information.

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