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How Value Creed Built Robust Consolidated Reports Empowering a Natural Gas Marketer to Streamline Workflow and Logistics

Improved Go-to-Market Strategies through Full Transparency

An integrated biofuel and natural gas company sought Value Creed’s help in solving several reporting issues so it could optimize its marketing, trading, transportation, and distribution services. The company needed real-time insights into its ethanol inventories, assurance that it has captured all components of high-volume bulk trades, and alignment of its inventory logistics with its sales forecasts.

Key Results


Inventory visibility in


In time spent reconciling
bulk trade contracts


Improvement in plan-to forecast accuracy

Data Visibility Drives Insights

Like many companies operating in the commodity-trading space, the client could not economically maintain a full staff of IT professionals conversant with every aspect of CTRM platforms and workflow. Value Creed, on the other hand, has assembled the leading technical and functional experts and equipped them with the most sophisticated tools available. Our teams understand CTRM’s complicated data structure and have acquired the knowhow to visualize, map, and streamline the platform’s modules, their discrete functions, and their reciprocal relationships and interfaces.

Current, Accurate Inventory

  • Consolidated, 360-degree transparency
  • Custom reports delivered daily through email

Trade Control & Validation

  • Tracking each contract included in bulk trades
  • Locating trades unaccounted for in high-volume transactions

Plan/Forecast Alignment

  • Coordinating production/acquisition with inventory
  • Ensuring capacity sufficient to meet demand

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

 Robotic Process Automation

Value Creed expedites workflows by eliminating bottlenecks caused by time-consuming manual processes. Automation flows data immediately to where it belongs, enabling fully informed decision-making.

RunSmart™ Managed Services

An experienced team and sophisticated technology combine to deliver feature-rich functionality and operability. You pay only for the services you need when you need them.

Proven Processes; Tailored CTRM Solutions; Tangible Results

Whether you need customized reports to calculate real-time inventory, track high-volume trades, monitor trends and profitability by trade type and commodity, or any other functionality improvement along the CTRM journey, Value Creed can help you reach your destination.

Commodity and energy traders rely on us to provide CTRM solutions and intelligence motivated by our fluency with CTRM platform specifics and trade processes. We deliver by applying our proprietary process:


  1. Intelligence Gathering – We learn about the client’s workflow requirements and how the current process or CTRM software configuration is limiting its implementation.

  2. Solution Design – Our technical team creates mockups of the CTRM solution’s architecture and dashboard and defines the scope of work.

  3. Development – Value Creed creates and tests scripts to discover the most elegant and robust answer to each challenge. Additional preliminary and end-user acceptance testing are performed before validation and installation.

Recommended Resources

CTRM Robotic Process Automation

BUSINESS PROCESS CHALLENGES Consider the Effect Complex CTRM Business Processes Have On Performance How much time do your traders, schedulers, and accountants spend manually entering

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Take Control of Your CTRM Platform

Align functionality with company workflows