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How Value Creed Boosts Manual CTRM Testing Success Using QMetry & Jira

Error-Free Results Through Value Creed Testing

Success Powered by QMetry

CTRM expertise is absolutely vital to the testing process for any extension, class event or enhancement. With the support of CTRM experts who know what “right” looks like, you improve efficiency and earn higher UAT acceptance rates.

Value Creed has developed a CTRM testing services process using QMetry Test Management For Jira, or QTM4J, to help ensure test cycles are completed ahead of deployment, allowing for a project go-live that’s error-free and ready for use.

Effective testing relies on successful communication between team members. Because QMetry works on top of Jira, Value Creed’s experts are able to create a Jira ticket immediately after identifying a problem during a test cycle.

This seamless, cloud-based approach to documentation, reporting, and communication leveraging Jira and QMetry has led to some substantial results for CTRM / ETRM platform upgrades, extension and enhancement testing, including:


50% Faster

Go-Live Speed

30% Increase


25% Increase

In Quality On Day One

Jira + QMetry Testing Process

Explore the use of Jira and QMetry together for the purpose of testing CTRM extensions, enhancements and upgrades.

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Value Creed’s Testing Process Powered by QMetry

Value Creed’s CTRM experts start by documenting the test case scenarios. From there, we utilize QMetry tools through Jira to achieve successful test pass cases thanks to these insights.

Step One:

Create & Upload Scripts To QMetry

Our experienced consultants write each step of the test scenario, then oversee the upload to QMetry.

Step Two:

Run Manual Tests In QMetry Cycle

Documents are prepared based on the test data, with screenshots and vital information prepared for future use.

Step Three:

Tracking & Resolving Bugs

Errors are logged for review by the respective project team members, and are tracked until resolved

QMetry: The Key Advantages For Value Creed Teams

The reports generated by QMetry are actionable, data-driven, and results oriented. Team members working on the testing process receive detailed insights into what tests have succeeded and which ones have failed in order to improve iteratively, moving toward a 100% success rate.
Using QMetry Charts, team members receive real-time visibility of test quality across projects for all essential reports. With relevant analytics, data, and test run reports, Value Creed team members can also create custom dashboard widgets inside Jira.

The entire testing services process happens within a centralized cloud repository, allowing staff to work across geographics to assign, prioritize, and execute tests.

See The Full Hybrid Testing Process From Start To Finish

Value Creed’s testing process includes both automated and manual tests for a process that’s truly hybridized. See how we provide testing Q/A from start to finish in our expert video below.

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Our clients are seeing accelerated user acceptance and reduced time spent on repetitive tasks with our tailored CTRM Testing Practice with the QMetry and Jira integration. New bugs are further clarified by users since they can better inform the troubleshooting and remediation process. Testing reports are also more transparent giving project management a common picture of testing status. Overall these improvements are delivering faster resolution and better outcomes.

Randy Katz

Principal Consultant

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