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How Value Creed’s RPA Services Enabled a Refined Fuel Supplier to Recapture Critical Hours through Scheduling and Actualization Automation

The Challenge

A major refined fuel supplier needed a faster and efficient method for scheduling deliveries, removing them from the docket once deliveries were made, and reviewing and entering bills of lading into its CTRM system. The legacy process required more than 50 person-hours every day to input data accurately and confirm that the entered information was accessible. The problem was made more acute because BOLs arrived in a variety of formats, depending on the shipment mode, vendor, and customer, making it difficult for workers to easily and consistently locate the details they needed to enter.

Key Results

100% Counterparty Comparisons

Bots used to compare 100+ different counterparty Bill of Lading formats, parse and enter them in the CTRM


92% Decrease
in Time Spent

In time spent entering data from shipment tracking into scheduling, actualization, and billing accounts 

Instant Emails

Bots automatically compare BOL data with scheduling and marketers, highlight discrepancies and email responsible parties for correction.

Logistics Automation Made Simple

Large regional fuel refineries and logistics partners often are hindered by the need to retrieve and track information from various vendors, customers, and shippers. RPA streamlines these activities, expediting the flow of data from source to destination and formatting it for use by downstream processes and applications. RPA automates several components of refineries’ ongoing data management requirements:

  • Shipment audits to confirm deliveries, invoicing and payments
  • Demand forecasting and route selection for better planning and cost savings
  • Contract and inventory management for instantaneous position updates.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Robotic Process Automation

Value Creed’s RPA generates programmed responses and instant sharing and validation of lease terms, pricing contracts, receipt tickets for fully integrated record-to-report workflow.


Key Takeaways

Value Creed’s robotic process automation services remove data flow bottlenecks and reduce the amount of human intervention required to accomplish routine, repetitive, no-value-added tasks. The use of this advanced technology streamlines business processes, reduces the risk of data corruption and loss of integrity.

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