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How a Multinational Coal Producer Integrated its In-house Infrastructure with Cloud Through Value Creed’s Advisory Services

Security Challenge

A coal producer operating in the United States and Australia needed a conduit for integrating on-premises CTRM, ERP, and risk interface infrastructure with cloud-based implementations. With application and data security of critical importance and because the project represented the firm’s first enterprise-level cloud implementation, the company sought outside assistance to augment its in-house resources.


Cost Saving

Implementation in 

2 months

SOX Compliance

Advisory Services

Cloud Implementation

Agile Delivery & Flexibility with Security

Value Creed Services Mobilized:



Our Advisory services not only will help you guide your operations but also help you achieve your vision by taking all stakeholders into consideration. Our highly experienced team has combined full lifecycle, functional and technical expertise to deliver frameworks and guidance around building reliable and scalable commodity trading businesses.  

Cloud Implementation

Bring your On-premise infrastructure to the cloud for greater speed, flexibility, and security. Maximize your operational advantages with our CTRM Cloud Infrastructure and enjoy cloud benefits—on-demand agility, flexibility with security, and cost savings.

Key Takeaways

Value Creed’s business case analysis and roadmap design directed the company to install a new database server that matched the company’s cloud host better. We strictly adhered to the client’s security policies & solution delivery framework and conducted gap analysis, fully documenting and securing approval at every step throughout the process, including clarification of non-platform requirements. The Value Creed team implemented change management and took the time to train the client’s off-shore team on the cloud-based platform, troubleshoot, and performance tests while still delivering under budget and hitting the go-live target.

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

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