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Enhancing Gas Scheduling Efficiency

Coordinating nominations across multiple pipeline operators can be complex due to differing procedures and timelines. Furthermore, capacity constraints and limited flexibility in scheduling can hinder a company’s ability to respond to sudden changes in demand or supply disruptions, making effective scheduling a continuous challenge in the natural gas industry. The integration of solutions like with your ETRM brings immense value to energy market participants and simplifies gas scheduling, automating the flow of information and streamlining the process from nominations to capacity management.

Integrating this with your ETRM systems streamlines natural gas scheduling and enhances secure communication. This integration empowers businesses with efficiency, transparency, and access to reliable information, fostering growth and competitiveness in today’s market. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of a natural gas scheduling portal and its integration with ETRM solutions, such as Endur, highlighting how it streamlines the natural gas market and supports informed decision-making.

Navigating the Complexities of Natural Gas Scheduling

Natural gas scheduling is complex due to coordination among multiple stakeholders, pipeline capacities, seasonalities, regulatory compliance, and the need for real-time adjustments. Efficient scheduling relies on a comprehensive and integrated platform for communication among various stakeholders in the industry. 

Users want to streamline the complex scheduling process by automating tasks, improving data accuracy, and enhancing real-time visibility into gas nominations and confirmations. Below are some significant factors that necessitate Natural Gas Scheduling Portal:

Due to a complex network of pipeline interconnects data is shared between different sources and data accuracy and integration between these sources is crucial. Real-time data can foster reliable scheduling. 

Handling gas nominations and confirmations can be complex. A gas scheduling portal automates and streamlines the process, making it easier to manage nominations, updates, and confirmations in real time.

Natural gas scheduling involves coordination among producers, shippers, pipelines, and regulators. A gas scheduling portal provides a centralized platform for efficient communication and collaboration among these stakeholders, ensuring smooth scheduling operations.

Pipelines have limited capacities and operational constraints, which must be considered during scheduling. A gas scheduling portal helps optimize scheduling to match supply and demand with available pipeline capacities effectively.

Natural gas scheduling must comply with interstate and intrastate regulations and tariffs. A gas scheduling portal facilitates adherence to regulatory requirements, ensuring scheduling operations are in line with industry standards.

Natural gas demand and supply can fluctuate, requiring real-time adjustments. A gas scheduling portal enables swift intra-day scheduling changes to adapt to sudden shifts in market conditions.

International gas pipelines involve cross-border scheduling, which requires coordination with different authorities and stakeholders. A gas scheduling portal helps manage cross-border scheduling complexities efficiently.

Unexpected events like pipeline outages or emergencies can disrupt scheduling plans. A gas scheduling portal facilitates swift adjustments during force majeure events to maintain operational continuity.

Even though there are several ways in which gas trading organizations can bring a scheduling portal into their landscape like having in-built customizations for their systems or opting for off-the-shelf solutions like (NGH). Usually, the customizations must be updated and there’s an additional maintenance cost to keep up with the industry standards whereas solutions like NGH ensure to maintain industry-leading solutions which are also NAESB-certified & FERC compliant to ensure the utmost security. In this blog, we will explore NGH integrations and how they provide effective solutions to the complexities faced in the gas trading market. Let’s delve into the features and benefits of NGH.

Web-Based Platform

NatGasHub integration offers schedulers a user-friendly, cloud-based platform with no software installation required. It allows easy access and seamless integration.

Pre-Built APIs

NatGasHub provides schedulers with pre-built APIs for ETRM tools like Endur and Allegro, simplifying integration and enhancing functionality.

Nominations and Scheduling

Schedulers can easily digitize and centralize all nominations and scheduled quantities, making the scheduling process more efficient.

Pipeline Tariffs

NatGasHub simplifies tariff data integration by covering 225+ pipes across the U.S. & Canada, eliminating manual entry and scraping from multiple pipeline sources, much like Nymex prices, making ETRM system management more efficient

Real-Time Tracking

NatGasHub integration enables schedulers to instantly accept/reject nomination statuses and view scheduled quantities from every pipeline.

Tech Support

NatGasHub provides constant support from ex-gas schedulers.


Collaborated with a Microsoft Partner for secure hosting.

Auto Renom

The platform features an auto re-nomination function, allowing schedulers to automatically re-nominate all gas nominations with a single click, saving time and effort.

Streamline And Empower Businesses to Make Informed Decisions

The complexities of natural gas scheduling demand a robust, integrated platform that addresses the challenges faced by stakeholders at every level. empowers organizations to navigate the complexities of natural gas scheduling with efficiency, accuracy, and confidence, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and competitive energy sector. 

This integration enhances decision-making by providing accurate, real-time data, streamlining processes, ensuring compliance, enabling adaptability to market dynamics, facilitating collaboration, and offering resilience during disruptions. These capabilities empower organizations to make well-informed decisions that optimize scheduling, reduce risks, and enhance operational efficiency in this dynamic industry.

Embracing such technology is a leap toward a more sustainable and competitive future in the natural gas industry. Gain an unfair advantage today by allowing Value Creed to automate noms & tariffs for your scheduling team.

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Performance Challenge

A prominent downstream company that operates a network of gasoline service stations across the United States faced significant challenges while generating timely business and executive-level reporting across multiple desks in the middle and front office.  Furthermore, the risk team encountered difficulties with a tool responsible for transferring risk data from an ETRM system to an external tunneling system via an interface. The performance of this tool was inconsistent, causing issues for the risk team. To overcome these challenges, Value Creed proposed implementing a dashboard-based reporting system that would cater to the needs of both the business and executive levels. This solution would leverage Azure-hosted data migration tools to ensure efficient and real-time data transfer, while also maintaining proper logging to preserve an audit trail.


Improved Reporting

Executive & business reporting for Middle and front Office 

Improved Data Migration

 Risk and Snapshot runs for mitigated P&L generation considering VaR, ES etc.

Effective Monitoring

Real-time figures, quick response, and streamlined infrastructure

Data Transformation

To address crucial transformation requirements, Value Creed implemented a Power-BI reporting dashboard for real-time updates on essential business processes across traders, schedulers, and inventory desks. Additionally, an ADF pipeline was implemented to transfer data to risk tools, facilitating critical reports such as MTM Data, Risk Exposure, and Search Curve Values. This empowered the desk to make informed decisions by leveraging insights from the reporting tool, which directly extracted and generated data from the ETRM system

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Data Transformation

Data Transformation

Unlock operational effectiveness and elevate the efficiency and reliability of your database through Value Creed’s tailored data transformation service. Our meticulously crafted solution caters to various requirements of data integration, accessibility, monitoring, and security, empowering your business to thrive with confidence.

Key Takeaways

The implementation resulted in notable enhancements in functionality, user experience, data security, and risk analysis. It delivered valuable insights into the client’s profit and loss risk factors. Additionally, the solution facilitated the client’s transition from a reactive state to a stable operational mode with predictable process delivery times, well-organized data feeds, and responsive user support.

Contact us today to learn more about our digital transformation solutions.

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Implementation Services

Performance Challenge

A global commodity merchant who trades in a wide variety of financial and physical markets was facing issues with data integration. Resorting to triage mode caused operational delays in delivery times, increased the uncertainty on data feeds, and overwhelmed the user support team. To address these challenges Value Creed recommended the client to undergo a data transformation service that would streamline their data across trades in various markets and have an organized data feed with a highly responsive user support team.


Overall System Enhancement

Strengthened Security & Risk Management Capabilities

Improved Functionality & Usability

Data Transformation

Given the client’s situation and the urgency to address the issues, Value Creed proposed a comprehensive approach that encompassed multiple business process upgrades. These upgrades included enhancing the electronic interface with the natural gas pipeline, implementing custom P&L attribution, and collaborating with the vendor to resolve valuation bugs.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Data Transformation

Data Transformation

With Value Creed’s Data Transformation service, you can effectively harness the power of your data assets, enhance decision-making, optimize operational efficiency, and fuel business growth. Our proficiency in custom P&L attributions, risk management, and business process upgrades enables us to provide holistic solutions that address all your challenges.

Key Takeaways

Value Creed effectively resolved the client’s data integration challenges by implementing a data transformation solution for their ETRM system. This implementation significantly improved functionality, user experience, data security, and risk analysis. It provided valuable insights into the client’s profit and loss risk factors. Furthermore, this solution enabled the client to transition from a state of triage to a more stable operational mode, characterized by predictable process delivery times, an organized data feed, and responsive user support.

Contact us today to learn more about our digital transformation solutions.

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Implementation Services

Performance Challenge

Due to manual efforts, a company encountered data analysis challenges that hindered its operations. Generating multiple reports, such as monthly reports for various commodities, weekly sales pipeline reports, daily inventory and logistics reports, and P&L statements, consumed significant resources and time. This manual process resulted in errors and delayed decision-making. Furthermore, standardizing the entire database for interpretation posed difficulties and caused data loss, leading to inaccurate results. To overcome these challenges, Value Creed proposed a comprehensive digital transformation for the company that would address all underlying issues and streamline data management, simplifying the overall data analysis process.


Data Normalization

Helps eliminate biases and variations in different data sources and facilitates data integration across different systems

Feature Engineering

Enhanced performance catering improved predictive accuracy

Flexibility & Adaptability

Adaptable to changes in analysis requirements with evolving business needs

Simplified Analysis

Reduction in data complexity

Data Transformation

We understand the importance of data management and how it can significantly impact your business operations. We’ve addressed this issue for one of our clients by providing a complete digital transformation to not only simplify but also address all future data integration requirements for data storage and interpretation. 

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

Data Transformation

Data Transformation

Obtain the most appropriate and useful data for your specific needs! Value Creed offers a range of services to support you during your data transformation journey. With expertise in data integration, data cleaning, and data wrangling, we assist in ensuring that your data is optimized for analysis, visualization, and even storage purposes.

Key Takeaways

By implementing data transformation techniques, Value Creed successfully assisted their client in achieving quicker and more comprehensive data analysis related to product management and movement. This solution empowered the company to concentrate on its core business operations while enhancing data management practices. Moreover, it ensured that the business was prepared to integrate future digital requirements seamlessly into its systems, enabling real-time data flow, advanced analysis, and more precise future interpretations.

Contact us today to learn more about our digital transformation solutions.

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Implementation Services


Value Creed Lends Experience to Manage Multiple Moving Parts

Embarking on any program related to energy or commodities trading risk management (E/CTRM) necessarily involves diverse stakeholders and varied processes within the organization. Companies looking to scale often have yet to develop internal controls to inform the project management office, while even large organizations find it difficult to spare the resources to oversee the project from business case to maturity.

Value Creed, utilizing CBOL™, gains a comprehensive understanding of the various stakeholders, intricacies of a company’s processes, and the potential differences in operations based on company size. This knowledge enables us to provide tailored guidance and management, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible solutions for their unique needs.

Comprehensive Services for Commodity Trading and Risk Management Businesses


Added Value and Quantifiable Results

We coordinate tight schedules and dependencies, bringing the right people and assets together at the right time, throughout the project. We construct, operate, and enforce program management office governance, effectively manage budgets, and meet project deadlines.

How the process works:

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Performance Challenge

The company wanted to modernize its business processes with the goal to transition to a clean energy future. They also wanted to maintain sophisticated business processes across the organization, quickly and efficiently, for greater productivity and more efficiency. It sought to minimize the costs of maintaining the database and its infrastructure.


99% Pass Percentage of UAT Test Cases

60% Cost – Saving

Zero Error in Daily Valuation Runs

CTRM Implementation

Value Creed Services Mobilized:

CTRM Implementation

The implementation services offered by Value Creed will help you in designing and set up your system’s workflows according to your business operations. In addition, we execute a change management & training program to assist your team in effectively maintaining system configurations as well as test the newly implemented CTRM application in accordance with the key requirements. 

Key Takeaways

By understanding the key requirements of the client, Value Creed developed tailored solutions to address all pain points. Additionally, the team developed custom configurations and set up a robust testing environment. Developing and implementing a comprehensive change management program and training enabled the company to not only reduce its infrastructure costs but also modernize its business processes. 

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Implementation Services