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Value Creed’s Chic Winter Soiree


Bringing in the Holiday Spirit

It is the time during this holiday season to shift focus from work and cherish the moments with each other. Value Creed’s biggest spotlight is on its people and we have always shared a strong sense of belonging with our employees.

With holidays around the corner, it was the perfect time to host a holiday party that focuses on new beginnings and ending the year strong, celebrating all the things we have accomplished together as a team.

Time to Remember

Value Creed always encourages the perfect work-life balance and our North America holiday party at SER Steak House was the right blend of fun, family and work. We had the chance to create new memories along with families and value personal relationships even stronger. 

It was a time to make new friendships and deepen the ones that already exist. On the whole, our team had a relaxing evening and a gala dinner with their loved ones. We truly cherish all our team members, are grateful for all our accomplishments, and look forward to celebrating many more milestones and holidays with everyone.

Value Creed Wishes


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