Proactive Overnight CTRM Monitoring of EOD Reporting
When your in-house staff clock out for the day, our proactive overnight monitoring managed services team gets started on what they do best. Between 10 pm and 6 am, our CTRM experts oversee your databases, interfaces, and grid queue to ensure all issues are resolved in time for the start of the trading day.
The 24/7 nature of commodity trading and risk management makes proactive overnight monitoring a key asset for companies competing worldwide. Proactive monitoring for commodity trading risk management allows the managed services team to ensure daily reports and dashboards are accurate, and free of any issues by the time they arrive to the client. This process occurs overnight, with interfaced data upload checks, pre-End of Day run checks, and consistent resolution monitoring in time for the day’s CTRM trading.
The Proactive Monitoring Process
Throughout the process, CTRM experts oversee a variety of vital tasks, including:
Make sure the needed data to run processes and create reports has been stored in the CTRM System
- Trades
- Prices
- Foreign Exchange Rates, Volatilities, Interest Rates
Monitor the processes by which the raw data is transformed into usable information. Literally, make sure the math is done
- Valuation, Credit, and Settlement Jobs
- Grid Schedule Monitoring
- Log & Server Management
Make sure the information calculated in Process Monitoring Step is presented properly for management consumption and decision making
- Position and Exposure Reporting
- Mark-to-Market Reports
- Market Risk Reporting
- Credit Reporting
- Settlement Reporting
See Run Smart™ Proactive Monitoring In Action
Example Client Dashboard Reporting
Why Choose Value Creed for CTRM Managed Services?
Our approach to CTRM Managed Services gives you flexibility as your needs change. With meaningful, attainable, and measurable goals, managed services improves your ROI through the right analytics and optimization.