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Upgrades in Dynamic Markets: Solutions for Liquids Trading

Explore the benefits of upgrading to the latest version of RightAngle with our in-depth analysis of new features, improvements, and bug fixes. This blog highlights major enhancements, evaluates their functional and technical impacts, and showcases how our expertise can guide you through the decision-making process.






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Why Choose Value Creed for Your Upgrade?

Value Creed’s commitment to excellence and client satisfaction, coupled with our extensive expertise and track record, make us the ideal partner for ensuring a successful transition. Our key differentiators include:



Tools like Testing Automation & FinOps enable a quicker, error-free upgrade with minimal disruption.


Defined Upgrade Framework

A structured roadmap for upgrade assessment ensures smooth transition and effective resource utilization.


Expertise and Experience

Experienced with diverse upgrades, we ensure a successful upgrade tailored to your needs.


Cost Effectiveness and Certainty

With fixed-price models and a commitment to delivering value, we provide transparency throughout the engagement.


Minimized Business Disruption

By minimizing business involvement, we ensure a seamless upgrade process, continuity, and reduced downtime for your operations.


Full-Service Consulting

We identify cutting-edge platforms for enhanced performance, providing comprehensive support from strategy to implementation.



This case study highlights how an energy company achieved a Swift upgrade in three months with Value Creed’s upgrade services:

  • Comprehensive Testing: Ensuring the highest quality standards with testing cycles at every stage
  • 3 – Month Delivery: Ensuring continuous transparency of the project’s progress with a focused 15-day sprint
  • Smooth Transition: Curated user training plan from subject matter experts along with hyper-care support

 Key Enhancements: Impact and Insights

S23 Significant Enhancements & Impact: What They Mean for You

Functional Impact

The new mass features in S23 enhance system precision by capturing data in both volume and mass metrics across inventory, movements, invoices, and risk assessments. This update requires thorough configuration and testing for seamless integration. Custom reports may need adjustments. Some users may need help with using volumetric units, necessitating specific configurations. Value Creed offers expertise to help clients navigate these changes, ensuring smooth transitions and tailored solutions for both mass and volumetric calculations.

Technical Impact

S23 upgrades involve significant system modifications, including database schema and API updates for dual quantity handling, improved inventory management, and enhanced risk management reporting. Performance is boosted through optimized data processing and scalability testing. Value Creed ensures precise system configurations and seamless transitions. Our structured methodology, including continuous business engagement and user training, supports efficient operations and maximizes upgrade benefits.


  • Dual Quantity Type Handling and Risk Management: Separate mass and volume fields across Valuation, Inventory, Accounting, and Risk domains to eliminate conversion needs and enhance precision. Introduced new reporting columns to handle mass-based and volume-based calculations separately.
  • Movement, Scheduling, and Inventory Management: Enhanced storage and display of mass and volume data in movement documents for better tracking and reporting. Improved inventory reconciliation and tank level capturing to support both mass and volume units as preferred.
  • Advanced Valuation, Accounting, and Provisions Management: Separate handling of volume and mass in valuation with detailed accounting reports incorporating mass and specific gravity. Latest provisions for mass calculations and tiered pricing structures based on mass quantities.
  • Data Integrity: Capability to handle forecasts in both mass and volume, enhancing flexibility and accuracy in forecast maintenance and Inventory workbench. Locking of specific fields post-transaction and recommendations for base unit settings to ensure data integrity and minimize rounding issues.
  • Transition and Custom Reporting: Comprehensive support for transitioning existing data to new structures for mass and volume, ensuring historical data integrity and continuity. Updated report adjustments and conversion strategies to align with new dual UOM handling capabilities.

Functional Impact

The streamlined movement and scheduling tools enhance scheduling efficiency by simplifying data staging and importing, reducing manual effort, and minimizing errors. The enhanced precision in the Inventory Workbench with real numbers improves accuracy in inventory tracking and management, facilitating better decision-making. The new Projected Inventory Reports offer valuable insights for long-term planning, enabling more informed inventory management strategies.

Technical Impact

These enhancements require updates to data import tools to support streamlined movement processes and improved precision in inventory tracking. Additionally, enhancements are needed in inventory reporting systems to accommodate the new Projected Inventory Reports, ensuring accurate and efficient projection functionalities.


  • Movement and Scheduling: Enhanced data staging and importing tools streamline movement processes, improving efficiency.
  • Inventory Workbench:  Precision is improved with real numbers displayed up to 6 decimal places, enhancing accuracy in inventory management.
  • Projected Inventory Reports: Introduction of new reports for volume and mass projections provides long-term planning insights. These reports now incorporate data on mixed and blended products imported through JSON files, enhancing their accuracy.

Functional Impact

Precision of financial operations by providing more detailed payment terms, streamlining cash management through the treatment of negative value invoices, and ensuring compliance with tax regulations via enhanced tracking and reporting capabilities. Additionally, they improve the visibility and management of receivables and tax compliance measures. 

Technical Impact

Implementation necessitates updates to accounting modules to seamlessly integrate event-based payment terms, negative value invoice handling, and tax license tracking functionalities. Adjustments to data structures and reporting systems are required to accommodate these changes effectively, including enhancements to support streamlined cash management processes and improved reporting capabilities.


  • Event-Based Payment Terms: Enhanced accuracy is achieved by introducing event-based payment terms at the Deal Header level.
  • Negative Value Invoices: This feature, accessible via the Cash Management Control panel, allows for better handling of negative value invoices by displaying them in the Search Open Receivables and Search Receivable Aging reports in the Cash Application.
  • Tax License Expiration Report: The report now includes the actual expiration date and the number of days until the expiration date of Tax Licenses, improving tracking and compliance measures.

Functional Impact

Introducing auditing capabilities for the Security Manager in S23 enhances transparency and accountability in system security management. Entity Auditing provides visibility into alterations, aiding in detecting and preventing unauthorized access. Configurable settings ensure compliance with regulatory standards, promoting data security.

Technical Impact

Implementing auditing necessitates system architecture modifications for effective tracking. Entity Auditing requires adjustments to the database schema and user interface. Configuring settings involves updates to configuration modules. Service Monitors, requiring additional licensing, may need infrastructure adjustments.


  • Security Manager: Starting from S23, changes made in the Security Manager can be audited. Entity Auditing provides visibility into security manager alterations. Configurable auditing settings ensure adherence to regulatory standards. Visibility into security alterations helps detect and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Service Monitors: Requires additional licensing and provides detailed status reports.

From S23 to S24: Ongoing Enhancements and Their Impact

Functional Impact

The new mass features in S23 enhance system precision by capturing data in both volume and mass metrics across inventory, movements, invoices, and risk assessments. This update requires thorough configuration and testing for seamless integration. Custom reports may need adjustments. Some users may need help with using volumetric units, necessitating specific configurations. Value Creed offers expertise to help clients navigate these changes, ensuring smooth transitions and tailored solutions for both mass and volumetric calculations.

Technical Impact

S23 upgrades involve significant system modifications, including database schema and API updates for dual quantity handling, improved inventory management, and enhanced risk management reporting. Performance is boosted through optimized data processing and scalability testing. Value Creed ensures precise system configurations and seamless transitions. Our structured methodology, including continuous business engagement and user training, supports efficient operations and maximizes upgrade benefits.


  • Reports related to the Fuel Center have been relocated to core RightAngle within a new Aviation folder.
  • Additional functionalities, such as Aircraft Maintenance and Aircraft Type Maintenance, have been added to the Aviation folders.

Functional Impact

The upgrades result in an improved user interface and integration capabilities, facilitating seamless interaction with custom APIs and third-party systems. Additionally, security management is strengthened, ensuring enhanced protection of sensitive data. Our team analyzes service monitor threads, optimizes licensing costs, and provides the right systems and configurations are chosen for each upgrade.

Technical Impact

Significant updates are required across the system architecture to accommodate the upgrades, including codebase adjustments for seamless integration with DevExpress controls and thorough testing for the new API framework. Careful planning is essential to maintain stability while incorporating these new features. Value Creed provides comprehensive support in configuring security settings, optimizing system performance, and ensuring seamless integration of new frameworks.


  • Operating System Upgrades: Starting from S23, the Windows Server 2016 version will no longer be supported and the upgrade to Windows Server 2019 or 2022 is mandatory.
  • SQL Upgrades: SQL Server 2019 and 2022 are compatible with S23 and S24 versions, any older version would need an upgrade.
  • Technical Upgrades: In addition to replacing UI components with DevExpress controls, the system now supports Secure SMTP for email communications, enhancing security in email transmissions. Furthermore, it connects to WCF services using HTTP for further security measures. This integration framework for custom APIs ensures enhanced security features across the platform.
  • There could be additional costs associated with the upgrades of the OS, SQL Servers, IIS, .net frameworks, MS 365, and Dev Express.

S24 Significant Enhancements & Impact: What They Mean for You

Functional Impact

Increased flexibility in adjusting units of measure for inventory groups, comprehensive support for all valuation methods to enhance inventory reporting, and the ability to reset inventory balances in both volume and mass for precise control. Furthermore, improvements in managing mass units of measure (UOMs) within key processes like the Order Actualization Tool, Quantity Caps, and Over/Under Lifting processes streamline operations. 

Technical Impact

Minor adjustments are made to further enhance the existing dual quantity handling capabilities introduced in S23. These adjustments involve refining data processing algorithms, optimizing database queries, and fine-tuning system configurations to ensure seamless handling of mass and volume separately downstream. Additionally, improvements are made to API endpoints and data validation routines to accommodate the updated handling requirements.


  • Enhanced Mass and Volume Handling: Continued improvements in handling mass and volume separately downstream.

Functional Impact

Improve valuation accuracy and reporting for blended products, enhancing financial precision and compliance. The capability to finalize reconciliation within specified tolerances streamlines inventory management, minimizing manual tasks and ensuring seamless transitions between accounting periods. 

Technical Impact

Adjustments to WACOG calculation algorithms and reporting systems for blended products. Similarly, reconciliation processes require modification to support finishing within specified tolerances, including updates to tolerance settings and data validation routines. Implementing Automatcher Rule Maintenance necessitates customizing validation options. Integrating Write to Zero functionality entails enhancing data processing and validation mechanisms.


  • Automatcher Rule Maintenance: Starting with S24, clients can choose whether to use the core RightAngle validation for duplicate Automatcher rules, which checks for the same Lifting Number, Location, Rule Detail type, and overlapping date ranges. Uncheck “Validate Automatcher Rule Uniqueness” in the Scheduling Control Panel to allow duplicates or apply custom validation.
  • Finish Recon Tolerance: The system now allows reconciliation to be completed within specified tolerances for inventory recon groups, facilitating better inventory management and simplifying the process of rolling recon groups to the next accounting period.
  • WACOG for Blended Products: Improved functionality in Monthly and Daily Weighted Average Cost of Goods (WACOG) by Contract and related reports now accommodate blended products more effectively.
  • Write to Zero Functionality: Available on Inventory Subledger Balance Maintenance, allows users to reset inventory balances to zero directly within the system.

Functional Impact

The introduction of the MTI Maintenance report and streamlined user interface on risk reports simplifies MTI entry assignment, enhancing overall operational efficiency. Value Creed’s support ensures clients can fully utilize these enhancements, increasing accuracy in P/L calculations, improving performance measurement, and enhancing strategic decision-making, ensuring a seamless transition to the upgraded system capabilities.

Technical Impact

Modifying database schemas, enhancing user interfaces, and integrating backend logic for MTI management. Implementing security measures for data protection and access control ensures seamless integration and efficient operation of the new MTI functionalities across the system. Our team provides comprehensive support, including system configuration, assigning levels of authorizations for making MTI changes, user training, and ongoing maintenance to ensure accurate market price management.


  • New MTI Report: Redesigned functionality allows manual selection of market information for position valuation. Introduction of a new MTI Maintenance report enables creation, maintenance, and updating of separate MTI entries. Users can assign MTI entries to trades and inventories, tracking value against intended markets. The streamlined user interface on risk reports facilitates quick assignment of MTI entries directly from the Mark-to-Market report.

Functional Impact

S24’s tax integration ensures compliance, reduces manual tax calculations and enhances audit readiness. Improved payable matching streamlines transaction handling, reduces errors, and eliminates dropdown list redundancies. These features enhance accounting accuracy, efficiency, and overall operational performance.

Technical Impact

Implementing tax integration requires API updates, database schema changes, and enhanced reporting. Payable matching improvements involve optimizing algorithms and UI components, eliminating dropdown redundancies. These modifications ensure accurate data import, efficient processing, and enhanced system performance.


  • Tax Integration: Support for importing externally calculated tax values, ensuring compliance and accurate tax reporting. This reduces manual tax calculations and improves audit readiness.
  • Payable Matching: Improvements in handling payable transactions and reducing redundancies in the transaction types dropdown list.

Functional Impact

The introduction of editable document templates and convenient access to favorite tools enhances flexibility and efficiency in document management. Users benefit from streamlined processes, improved accuracy, and reduced manual effort in customization tasks. Template editing simplifies customization, reducing manual effort.

Technical Impact

Implementing these features necessitates adjustments in document management systems to support direct editing of templates, enhancing usability and integration.


  • Edit Generated Templates: Documents such as invoices and confirmation templates can be edited directly after generation. Configurable DMS templates enable the generation of fully editable Word documents, facilitating post-generation modifications. Additionally, easy access to favorite reports, maintenance tools, and templates is provided through dedicated RightAngle modules and desktop.
  • Favorites Desktop: A new feature enables users to access favorite reports, maintenance tools, and templates in one convenient location.

Upgrade with Value Creed: Your ETRM Solutions Partner

Experience the difference with Value Creed, your premier partner for ETRM solutions and upgrades.  With years of experience and a proven track record in executing seamless transitions, we tailor our approach to your specific needs. Seamlessly upgrade to RightAngle S24 and optimize your energy trading operations by partnering with us. Get in touch today to ensure a smooth and efficient upgrade process.

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Performance Challenge

A prominent energy midstream company operating in Western Canada, faced the challenge of upgrading their Endur system from an unsupported version v17 to v23, necessitating a thorough assessment to determine the complexity, cost, and feasibility of the upgrade. They needed to categorize the upgrade project into either homogeneous or heterogeneous, assess the total cost of ownership for different Endur versions, review technical aspects such as code, configuration, and dependencies, identify the scope of impact and incongruences between v17 and v23 solutions, and evaluate platform engineering and infrastructure requirements. Additionally, they sought to establish a robust quality assurance framework for testing the upgraded Endur system.




Execution Certainty

Increase in certainty on scope, cost, schedule, and risks.


Cost Reduction

Reduced total cost to deliver based on optimization recommendations


Early Risk Detection

Identified risks due to disparities in critical solutions between v17 and v23 Endur


Cloud Cost Reduction

Reduced costs by leveraging shared tenants, cost optimization measures and FinOps practices

A Systematic Approach to Project Success

Value Creed’s comprehensive Endur Upgrade Advisory program addressed the client’s challenges through a strategic approach, incorporating key insights throughout:

Capability, Process & Implementation Mapping: A thorough assessment of capabilities, processes, and implementation requirements is crucial for effective project planning and decision-making. By developing solution blueprints across business verticals and engaging key stakeholders, Value Creed ensured a thorough understanding of requirements, fostering collaboration and alignment.

Conduct Version Selection Advisory: Careful consideration of Endur version selection based on business needs and risk assessment is paramount for maximizing the value and success of the upgrade. Through meticulous analysis considering risk appetite and solution architecture fitment, Value Creed facilitated strategic Endur version selection, maximizing the value of the upgrade.

Planning of Upgrade Project: Early detection and mitigation of risks are essential for minimizing disruptions and ensuring smooth project execution. Value Creed coordinated with ION, planned capacity, allocated resources, and managed risks, laying a robust foundation for a successful upgrade while ensuring efficient resource utilization.

Organizational Change Management: Identifying key stakeholders and devising effective communication strategies, Value Creed facilitated smooth transition and adoption of the upgraded Endur system, fostering stakeholder engagement and alignment.

Proactive Risk Identification: Early identification of potential pathways and risks was key to minimizing disruptions and ensuring seamless transitions. We identified 16+ risks including API depreciation, custom code conflicts, and cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Cost Optimization: With our experience in tackling issues and risk patterns in past Endur upgrades, we offered various insights and guidance. This approach not only facilitated optimal resource utilization but also enabled effective budget management, leading to successful project outcomes.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:



Our Advisory services not only will help you guide your operations but also help you achieve your vision by taking all stakeholders into consideration. Our highly experienced team has combined full lifecycle, functional and technical expertise to deliver frameworks and guidance around building reliable and scalable commodity trading businesses.  


Upgrade Services

Our team is made up of industry-leading CTRM experts who help you model new business requirements to ensure a future-proof setup. We empower you to customize and enhance performance. Our primary focus is to optimize functionality across the board, aligning with market demands through a holistic solution.

Key Takeaways

Value Creed offers unparalleled expertise in upgrades, providing meticulous planning, substantial cost savings, early risk detection, stakeholder engagement, and cloud cost optimization. With a track record of success, we ensure seamless transitions, aligning Endur versions with business needs and mitigating potential disruptions. Our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction makes us the ideal partner for companies seeking efficient, cost-effective, and reliable upgrade solutions.

Recommended Resources

Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Implementation Services

Looking to Manage Inventory Costs for Liquid Commodities Effectively?

Conventional manual methods and third-party systems might not provide the needed real-time accuracy for inventory costs and valuation. Additionally, calculating costs for individual units of inventory, especially within a range of contracts, can be time-consuming. The introduction of RightAngle’s latest version, S21.1, featuring the Daily WACOG by Contract capability, addresses the need for accurate, real-time inventory valuation.

Unlike traditional methods that struggle to reflect daily commodity price fluctuations, the new feature in the latest version of RightAngle closely aligns inventory valuation with market dynamics, benefiting businesses with high daily sales volumes. Implementing inventory valuation methodology of WACOG in an integrated system like RightAngle streamlines inventory management and enhances risk and accounting practices. We recommend that our clients embrace RightAngle’s WACOG method, as it offers a comprehensive remedy for efficient inventory management. This solution capitalizes on industry-specific attributes, tailoring options, and alignment with regulations, all of which combine to enhance effectiveness, accuracy, financial gains, and competitiveness. 

Addressing Inventory Cost Challenges

Challenges in managing inventory costs accurately are widespread. Manual methods can lead to inefficiencies, errors, and compliance risks that affect decision-making. The absence of real-time inventory data visibility can hamper competitiveness, and the complexities of calculating costs for liquid products are a recognized concern.

Current complexities involve disjointed systems, manual calculations, lack of integration with workflows, and the inability to capture frequent price fluctuations inherent in liquid commodities, which ultimately leads to inaccurate cost estimates. Additionally, the continuous flow nature of liquid commodities makes precise inventory tracking difficult, as factors like shrinkage, blending, and measurement inaccuracies can lead to discrepancies in quantity and cost assessments. Managing inventory across various storage facilities, determining appropriate pricing points for cost allocation, and adhering to regulatory standards further contribute to the complexity of the process.

Commodity companies will employ specialized ETRM software and other peripheral systems to address some of these challenges however even then other issues like maintaining data integrity, resource-intensive inventory data updates, error-prone reconciliation processes, and the manual marking of transactions are prevalent in accurately tracking inventory costs and value. 

Benefit from Real-Time Insights, Customization, and Precise Reporting

Selecting RightAngle for implementing WACOG inventory valuation for liquids commodities offers several advantages over other ETRM solution alternatives. The integration of WACOG modeling into RightAngle is customized to suit the business’s needs, utilizing the platform’s robust reporting capabilities. This encompasses features like contract-based cost tracking, flexible pool-based cost calculations, and daily WACOG reports for precise cost insights.

To maximize the utility of RightAngle’s inventory valuation capabilities, we recommend crafting bespoke reports within the platform that consolidate diverse inventory data points. By doing so, businesses can streamline their inventory management processes effectively. A notable case involves our creation of tailored reports for a client within RightAngle, where we amalgamated data from various sources. For instance, this approach integrated information from multiple reports, yielding insights into tank-level inventory through the Physical Inventory Interface. This encompassed valuable details, including estimates of daily end-of-day inventory. Furthermore, our solution seamlessly incorporates the Terminal Data Staging Interface, which validates terminal data to facilitate reconciliation. Moreover, the Search Terminal Inventory Recon Interface was utilized to meticulously compare terminal net quantity against transaction records, ensuring the continual updating of reconciliation statuses to promote a well-balanced inventory control system.

Additionally, RightAngle solution provides risk assessment via daily WACOG risk mark-to-market reports. Notably, the “Use Zero Values to Market for WACOG” function refines inventory valuation accuracy. Additional advantages include prior period adjustments, efficient accounting, seamless system integration, tailored reporting, and real-time data access for adaptive decision-making. This tailored implementation ensures accurate cost management, risk assessment, and reporting while catering to the client’s distinct operational requirements.

We advise clients to focus on unique business contexts and leverage RightAngle’s specialized capabilities in WACOG by contract, WACOG by pool, and Daily WACOG calculations. This tailored approach, aligned with industry best practices, sets our recommended implementation of RightAngle features apart from other available options and ensures that it precisely meets the client’s current situation and needs.


Strategic Edge: Enabling WACOG Implementation

The utilization of RightAngle for WACOG implementation for an organization brings a multitude of advantages, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of the liquid energy industry:

Effective Cost Allocation

WACOG by Contract provides detailed cost insights for better financial control. WACOG by Pool offers market-responsive cost calculations.

Daily WACOG by Contract

RightAngle recalculates daily WACOG, aligning cost structures with market fluctuations. Crucial for industries like retail fuel, ensuring accurate decisions and risk management.


RightAngle's customization aligns tools with business goals, enhancing performance without compromise.

Smooth Integration

Seamlessly integrating RightAngle optimizes data flow, boosting efficiency across functions.

Strategic Insights

Leverage specialized WACOG reporting for real-time informed decisions and market competitiveness.

Holistic Approach

RightAngle tailors to client needs, offering a dedicated team for success. Partner with experts for a comprehensive solution that drives success.

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Report Migration: Overview

When migrating from PowerBuilder to the .NET version of Right Angle, there can be several challenges that arise for reports, especially if they involve heavy use of PIVOT, filtering, and data structuring in PowerBuilder, along with landscape/portrait orientations. The challenges primarily stem from the differences in the underlying technologies, programming languages, and reporting frameworks used in PowerBuilder and .NET.

Understanding the Challenges in Migrating PowerBuilder Reports to .NET for RightAngle

Migrating PowerBuilder reports to the .NET version of Right Angle presents several challenges due to differences in technologies, programming languages, and reporting frameworks. Understanding these challenges is essential to ensure a successful migration process. In the following section, we will explore the key challenges that arise during this migration and how Value Creed, a trusted expert in report migration, can provide expertise and solutions to overcome these challenges.


  • PowerBuilder version development uses legacy tools and technologies using Sybase IDEs.
  • .NET version is primarily coded in C#.

Our Expertise:

  • Rewrite the report logic and calculations in the appropriate .NET framework due to differences in syntax and functions.


  • PowerBuilder has its own built-in reporting tool and most of the logic is written directly in SQL.
  • .NET version of RightAngle offers various reporting frameworks SQL Report Base, SQLDom and in-built distribution frameworks.

Our Expertise:

  • Identify a suitable reporting framework in .NET and re-implement the powerbuilder report designs accordingly.


  • PowerBuilder reports may heavily rely on PIVOT operations to transform data and present it in a summarized form.
  • To replicate the PIVOT functionality, you will need to identify the appropriate features and functions within the .NET reporting framework that can achieve the same results.

Our Expertise:

  • Thorough understanding of the PIVOT operations used in the PowerBuilder reports including capabilities and features of the chosen .NET reporting framework for successful replication of the PIVOT functionality.


  • PowerBuilder reports often involve complex filtering conditions and data structuring to meet specific business requirements.

Our Expertise:

  • Analyze and understand the existing filtering logic in PowerBuilder and reimplement it in the .NET reporting framework.


  • PowerBuilder reports can be designed to support different page orientations, such as landscape or portrait.
  • The chosen .NET reporting framework should have the ability to handle multiple orientations.

Our Expertise:

  • Adjust the report layout, page settings, and print options to ensure that the migrated reports retain the desired orientation.


  • If there are existing report templates in PowerBuilder, they will need to be recreated in the chosen .NET reporting framework.

Our Expertise:

  • Redesign the report layouts, add appropriate data bindings, and replicate any custom formatting or styling applied in the original PowerBuilder reports.

Use Case Scenario: Migrating from PowerBuilder to .NET

To gain insights into the challenges that can arise when migrating from a PowerBuilder version of a report to a .NET version, let’s explore a practical scenario:

One of our clients, who was using RightAngle’s S11 version, relied on a highly customized report created in PowerBuilder. This report held significant importance for their schedulers as it was distributed to them on a daily basis.

Here’s an overview of the customized PowerBuilder report:


The PowerBuilder version of the report was designed with intricate features such as complex pivoting, grouping, and filtering logic. It operated on a dataset that included several query columns. Additionally, the report was formatted in landscape orientation.

The objective was to replicate the same report with its familiar appearance and functionality in the upgraded S21 version. However, when attempting a straightforward migration of the report’s backend logic to .NET, the outcome fell significantly short of the expected outcome.

Value Creed’s proficiency in report migration proves invaluable in this scenario. Our team of RightAngle SMEs took charge of customizing the .NET version of the RightAngle report using the report designer tool. With their expertise, they made extensive modifications, leveraging various features including computed query columns, external query columns, dynamic queries, and the available UI tools.

The end result was a meticulously crafted report that closely resembled the original one from S11.

Leverage Value Creed’s Expertise to upgrade seamlessly

Migrating PowerBuilder reports to the .NET version of Right Angle poses several challenges due to differences in technologies, languages, and reporting frameworks. Value Creed’s expertise in report migration is invaluable in overcoming these challenges. Through extensive modifications and leveraging the capabilities of the .NET reporting framework, our team of RightAngle SMEs successfully customized the .NET version of the report for our clients. 

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Business Challenge

When embarking on an upgrade, it is crucial for clients to dedicate an upfront focus to their business prerequisites and how these align with their overarching vision for operational longevity. Rather than treating the upgrade as a purely technical necessity, businesses should view it as an opportune moment to reevaluate their overall objectives, strategies, and aspirations.

During a recent upgrade, a prominent midstream services provider company endeavored to migrate and disseminate reports to end users in the familiar format as before. However, our team of RightAngle experts were able to recognize that given the architecture redesign of S21, the reports would not generate in the exact format and cause significant disruptions to daily operations.  

Despite time constraints surrounding the S21 migration, Value Creed adeptly undertook the project, not only addressing the immediate requirement but also ensuring a seamless migration of these critical reports. This endeavor safeguarded the planned S21 transition and precisely catered to the client’s needs.


Successful migration of the Mark-To-Market (MTM) report

 Implementation of a versatile and customizable reporting system

Smooth and uninterrupted transition to S21


Collaborating with the client to conduct an in-depth evaluation of their business prerequisites in conjunction with their envisioned future state helped elevate the upgrade from a mere technical chore to a strategic initiative. This empowered the client to adapt, innovate, and thrive in a dynamic business landscape.

Upgrade - Report Migration

Before delving into the developmental, testing, and deployment phases of the migrated reports, our team took comprehensive measures to align on the requisites. Despite working within a tight timeframe, we ensured a thorough comprehension of project specifications prior to advancing to the subsequent stages.

Value Creed Services Mobilized:


Advisory Services

Our Advisory services will not only help you guide your operations but also help you achieve your vision by taking all stakeholders into consideration. With our services, you can confidently evaluate your decisions before implementing any technical changes, unlocking multiple benefits from our comprehensive solutions.


Upgrade Services

Our team is made up of industry-leading CTRM experts who help you model new business requirements to ensure a future-proof setup. Our commitment to CTRM technology is reflected in our upgrade services, which empower you to customize and enhance performance. Our primary focus is to optimize functionality across the board, aligning with market demands through a holistic solution.

Key Takeaways

Our advisory approach entailed an exhaustive evaluation of the business’s reporting strategy, capabilities, and needs, resulting in the identification of new imperatives. Following the design of a comprehensive roadmap, we evaluated the advantages of report migration.  Through successful enhancements of the critical “Mark to Market” (MTM) report within the stipulated time frame, we were able to drive increased user adoption with increased usability ensuring a seamless transition to S21.

Contact us today to learn more about our upgrade and advisory solutions.

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Do More With Your CTRM

Customize & improve business processes with Value Creed’s Services

Challenges with Previous Versions

Have you ever had to build customizations around deferred invoicing, complex risk calculations, or pricing provisions? 


Due to the complex nature of the ETRM industry; Risk, Accounting, and Cash Applications rely heavily upon 3rd party tools for functions such as robust inventory valuations, WACOG calculations, and taxing functionalities. The unavailability of these tools in the older RightAngle versions encourages businesses to strongly consider an upgrade to the latest version.


Additionally from an IT standpoint, PowerBuilder or a hybrid system results in Increased Server Load and hampers stability making custom code deployment troublesome. Along with standards to be followed for SOX Compliance, the previous security manager doesn’t allow for individual task/ BA security thus increasing risk significantly.

Benefits of Upgrading to the Latest Version

There are numerous benefits to upgrading to the latest version, such as the new Search WACOG by Contract Summary/ Detail reports. This new feature helps reduce dependency on external applications, reduces Human Errors, and provides a better understanding of the company’s Risk Position. This will additionally replace reports such as search inventory values and provide a consolidated report with advanced core fields to facilitate advanced risk calculations.


New ways to customize the risk solution, including quantifying the risk level on the portfolio level and modifying the accounting periods on common reports, lead to increased efficiency and productivity. Dependence on 3rd Party Customizations like deferred invoices and unique auto matcher scenarios for business needs can now be handled with core functionality in the latest version. 

Business Benefits

Inventory Valuation processes have more advanced logic, allowing them to utilize the WACOG calculations set for the particular transaction.

Daily WACOG by Contract is a new inventory valuation method available in S21.1. When accounting for inventory, Daily WACOG considers the fluctuations in commodity prices as new builds enter storage for each business day. The actual cost of inventory recalculates daily, and the cost of product sold out of inventory is priced at the inventory’s weighted average on the day of the draw. This allows Daily WACOG to more accurately reflect the value of sold products each day and benefits the accounting and risk practices (protects risk metrics from distortions due to high market volatility over time) of certain businesses, like retail fuel, which experience high daily sales volumes.

The module integrates with the accounts payable and accounts receivable modules in RightAngle, allowing businesses to manage bank information and view a cash available report that includes information on receivables from invoices. This helps to validate records and prevent the application of more cash than the receivable total amount or balance of cash received. Additionally, the module provides tools for creating write-offs and managing open items effectively. 

Some of the key functionalities included in the RightAngle Cash Application & Disbursement module are: 

  • Bank Reference Data 
  • Cash Application Tool 
  • Cash Release Maintenance 
  • Aging reports to monitor open items
  • Accounting control panel 

Allows for increased capabilities around managing at the tank level and ensures the Tank Level information in the IWB header section and columns in the grid that contain tank level information or consider heels in their calculation (Pumpable Inventory, Heels/Unavailable, Tank Minimum, Tank Maximum, Projected Available Ending) are accurate when aggregating

Credit/Rebill configuration processes have been automated now for Sales transactions. 

System updates to the invoicing processes/Reports to better utilize and track Deferred Invoices in the application.

IT Benefits

The transition from PowerBuilder to .NET is tied closely to the increase in performance/stability.  It enables a user-friendly interface and more sound core logic. The addition of .NET code allows users for easier customization/code deployments

This feature allows you to grant users specific licenses to unique models (such as credit centers) without giving them the full core license.  This not only saves money on the number of core licenses needed but also will help regulate the available data to these users

Each new version of RightAngle that is released brings with it enhancements to core logic, more efficient processes, and improved technology to increase the performance (speed) and stability (uninterrupted sessions) of the application.

This item allows security access for individual Task Scheduler tasks to be given to groups.  This way, only specific users can run critical tasks such as snapshots, alleviating a lot of risk of accidental runs by less familiar users.

Individual security settings for all internal business associates, which allows users to be part of singular or multiple groups.  This is a critical item for SOX compliance, as well as other regulations on data access.

Transactional data, having so many variables involved, is a large chunk of available database space.  Being able to archive this data will increase system performance by not overloading the databases, leading to quicker queries, increased database longevity, etc.

Adding Value to Service

Quality check

(Integration/performance testing)

UAT/user training

Migration of all customizations

Level of expertise/knowledge

end-to-end quality checks, documentation, etc

Regression Testing for quality check

Value Creed Added Advantages

Knowledge Base

We're also able to compile knowledge gained from 14+ customers every day and share CTRM best practices across customers

Upgrade Accelerators

Automated Testing Suite, Trade Template Library, Reports Library (Bucketed daily PnL, cross-platform, etc.), RightAngle RPA bot library

Cost/Quality ratio

Our business model enables us to provide quality results at affordable cost making it a win-win deal for all stakeholders


The majority of our leadership team have past experience in development, QA, or Account Management at application firms itself


Our resources can engage with customers on-site or remote and are available 24/7/365

Skill Variety

We provide talent for not only your CTRM but all integrations and related systems

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