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Importance of Archiving and Purging strategies in RightAngle

Archiving and Purging Strategies

The purging and archiving solution in the RightAngle tool uses an automated process to move inactive data from the production database to an archive database. The process is designed to be simple, efficient, and scalable, with minimal impact on system performance increasing. The data is securely stored and easily accessible for retrieval allowing better use of their data.

Archiving in RightAngle

RightAngle provides the ability to archive data that is no longer actively used to a secure storage location. This can help improve system performance by reducing the number of rows in the tables and prevent any negative impact on the system due to a large volume of data

Purging in RightAngle

RightAngle provides functionality to configure the purging to control the record retention settings for the various log and archive tables within the system. It also provides the ability to define retention periods for specific custom tables.

Understanding the Implementation Strategies

Key Benefits of Archiving and Purging Strategies

System Performance

Data Management

Storage Cost Savings



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