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Daily P&L Bucketing in RightAngle

Understanding Daily P&L Bucketing

RightAngle features an out-of-box Mark to Market report, which provides the profit & loss for active trades in the system. Risk analysts and Front office analysts monitor their book P&Ls from the data extracted from the report. The change in Daily P&L may be due to new trades, modified trades, canceled trades, new costs, Curve shifts, or some other actions in the system. Identifying the reason for the P&L shift or change is difficult in the Mark to Market report. Hence, the analysts spend a lot of time categorizing the data and reporting it to Stakeholders.

Daily P&L Bucketing Report will extract Risk transactional data from End of Day runs and apply the different business rules, to bucket the change P&L into different categories like New Trade, Modified Trade, Cancelled Trade, Curve Shift, Costs, etc. This custom report provides all of this information in one place, enabling risk analysts to quickly identify the reason for the P&L shift or change in a particular strategy and save time. 

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User-friendly interface & Streamlined workflow


RightAngle expertise

Challenges in the Current Process

The changes in Daily PnL may be due to new trades, modified trades, canceled trades, new costs, Curve shifts, or due to some other actions in the system. Risk analysts follow the below process to identify the reason for the PnL shift or change that is not possible in the Mark to Market report.

Evaluating the Business Impact Of The Current Process

Let’s assume the mark-to-market (MTM) report has 20,000 records per day. It takes around 2 hours for the risk analyst to review the MTM report and analyze the daily P/L changes for different strategies. 


With the daily P/L bucketing solution, the risk analyst can retrieve the required information in minutes, which results in a time savings of 1 hour and 50 minutes per day. This results in an annual time savings of 438 hours (which equates to 240 working days per year)


Risk analysts can focus on high-value tasks, such as analyzing trends and patterns in trading activities, identifying potential risks and opportunities, and providing insights to support business decisions. This can lead to better risk management, increased profitability, and a competitive advantage in the market.


Assuming a daily salary of $500 for the risk analyst, the opportunity cost is $83.33 per day. Over a 22-day working month, this amounts to an opportunity cost of $1,833.33 per month.

Value Creed’s Custom-Built Approach

Value Creed’s services are tailored to the client’s specific needs and are focused on delivering a customized, high-quality solution for managing daily PnLs in RightAngle.

Tailored to your Needs

Identify clients’ problems and develop a project plan for the development of the custom tool.

Provide our technical expertise and guidance in designing and implementing the custom tool.

Develop and test the custom tool in accordance with the client’s requirements and specifications.

Manage the project from start to finish, ensuring that it is delivered on time, within budget, and to the client’s satisfaction.

Provide ongoing support and maintenance for the custom tool, ensuring that it continues to meet the client’s needs and requirements over time.

Benefits Value Creed can Help you Achieve

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